Mystr Sal gets a head

Barbie is 50, and she has had a lot of "work done". This Barbie fell into MY lap (ha ha) at Northeast Michigan Community Mental Health, where it was considered to be suitable for chyldren to play with in the lobby. Since it is a device used to brainwash little gyrls, Y had to remove it from the building as mental health prophylaxis.
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Mary and Pinky saw Red


ol' Queen

photo of Sal by Cowgyrl Tough
Too Byg?
Too Pync?
Too Dyfferent?
Now Hear thys:

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DE/member the nazis?

Sinead ALLready saw this in the previous century. She took a lot of shit for this tv appearance. But they didn't kill her yet. Give HER the respect of watching this 3 minute video.
See pope been a dick now, he's no mystery, just hiding in plain sight.



MP3 File

5 Songs (and 5 is the money number) in the style of Submit 5 at World Cafe. You get to send in Your top 5 songs on a theme. Y won't tell You the theme of thys set because if You don't know after You hear it, it won't help if Y tell You.

1 - the word "gypsy" is a slur, from whence comes the word "gyp" - correct word: Roma
2 - listen, then wave your freak flag when the Black Crow flys and screams
3 - reddy to roll
4 - posatracshen drag Queen
5 - perfecly Magyc

9 holds ALL numbers ( 0+9, 1+8, 2+7, 3+6, 4+5 )
ALL numbers become themselves agyn when added to 9 (8+9=17=1+7=8)

address ME:
Box 333 (3+3+3=9)
49707 (4+9=13, 1+3=4, 4+7=11, 1+1=2, 2+7=9) or (4+9+7+0+7=27, 2+7=9)

By the WAY, in class they didn't teach US the energy of doing the math,
but WE can learn it now.